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Showing out of 137 results found
  • Reference

    Definitions of Research and Development: An Annotated Compilation of Official Sources | III. Federal and State Government R&D


    Conduct of research and development (R&D): Research and experimental development activities are defined as creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge—including knowledge of people, culture, and society—and to devise new applications using available knowled...

  • Reference

    Definitions of Research and Development: An Annotated Compilation of Official Sources | V. R&D in National Accounts and Globalization Manuals


    3.234. Research and development services covers those services that are associated with basic research, applied research and experimental development of new products and processes and covers activities in the physical sciences, the social sciences and the humanities. Guide to Measuring Global Pro...

  • Reference

    Definitions of Research and Development: An Annotated Compilation of Official Sources | III. Federal and State Government R&D


    The OMB prescribes budget regulations for federal agencies. Part II of Circular A-11 covers development of the president’s budget and provides guidance on agency submissions to OMB. Section 84 of the circular defines budget authority, outlays, and offsetting receipts for the conduct of R&D, const...

  • Reference

    Definitions of Research and Development: An Annotated Compilation of Official Sources | IV. U.S. Higher Education R&D and R&D by Nonprofit Organizations


    This NCSES survey is the primary source of information on R&D expenditures at U.S. colleges and universities and is the successor to the Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges. The HERD Survey collects information on R&D expenditures by field of research and ...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    Innovation Data from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

    2017 and 2019 ABS questions on innovation

    During 2016–18, nearly a third of the estimated 4.8 million for-profit companies with at least one employee introduced an innovation. Per Oslo Manual 2018, innovation is a new or improved product, which can be a good or a service, as well as a new or improved business process—this definition has ...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    Innovation Data from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

    Companies with product or business process innovation, by industry: 2016–18

    During 2016–18, nearly a third of the estimated 4.8 million for-profit companies with at least one employee introduced an innovation. Per Oslo Manual 2018, innovation is a new or improved product, which can be a good or a service, as well as a new or improved business process—this definition has ...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    Innovation Data from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

    Companies with product or business process innovation, by state: 2016–18

    During 2016–18, nearly a third of the estimated 4.8 million for-profit companies with at least one employee introduced an innovation. Per Oslo Manual 2018, innovation is a new or improved product, which can be a good or a service, as well as a new or improved business process—this definition has ...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    Innovation Data from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

    Comparing types of innovation in the 2005 and 2018 Oslo Manual editions

    During 2016–18, nearly a third of the estimated 4.8 million for-profit companies with at least one employee introduced an innovation. Per Oslo Manual 2018, innovation is a new or improved product, which can be a good or a service, as well as a new or improved business process—this definition has ...

  • Figure

    Innovation Data from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

    Innovation incidence rate, by type of innovation and sex of majority owner(s): 2016–18

    During 2016–18, nearly a third of the estimated 4.8 million for-profit companies with at least one employee introduced an innovation. Per Oslo Manual 2018, innovation is a new or improved product, which can be a good or a service, as well as a new or improved business process—this definition has ...

  • Figure

    Innovation Data from the 2019 Annual Business Survey

    Percentage of companies with product or business process innovation, by firm classification of race and ethnicity: 2016–18

    During 2016–18, nearly a third of the estimated 4.8 million for-profit companies with at least one employee introduced an innovation. Per Oslo Manual 2018, innovation is a new or improved product, which can be a good or a service, as well as a new or improved business process—this definition has ...