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Showing out of 93 results found
  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    Survey of Doctorate Recipients, Longitudinal Data: 2015–19 | Data Tables

    Doctoral scientists and engineers, by demographic and degree characteristics and employment sector changes: 2015–19

    The Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR), conducted by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics within the National Science Foundation, provides demographic, education, and career history information from individuals with a U.S. research doctoral degree in a science, engineering...

  • Analysis | Reports

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | U.S. STEM Workforce: Definition, Size, and Growth

    A New Expanded Definition of the STEM Workforce

    The effect of expanding the STEM workforce definition to include individuals at all education levels and in middle-skill occupations is a major change for this report. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s (2020a) 2019 American Community Survey (ACS), the number of STEM workers in middle-skill oc...

  • Analysis | Reports

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | U.S. STEM Workforce: Definition, Size, and Growth

    A Traditional Definition: S&E Workers in the STEM Workforce

    Past and current Indicators analyses focus on a subset of the STEM workforce: individuals with at least a bachelor’s degree working in S&E occupations. S&E occupations encompass five major categories: (1) computer and mathematics scientists; (2) biological, agricultural, and environmental life sc...

  • Analysis | Reports

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | STEM Labor Market Conditions and the Economy

    Academic Employment

    As noted earlier, the education sector is a large employer of SEH doctorate recipients, and the academic doctoral workforce plays an important role in training the next generation of scientists and engineers and advancing the nation’s basic research enterprise. The SDR shows that there were about...

  • Analysis | Reports

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers


    Scientists and engineers are the backbone of the creation, development, and application of STEM knowledge and expertise in the U.S. economy. Reflecting this historical context, previous Indicators reports focused on workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher in S&E occupations: mathematical and c...

  • Analysis | Reports

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | STEM Labor Market Conditions and the Economy

    Employment Sectors

    STEM workers and those with education or training in STEM make contributions across all sectors of the economy, including in the business, education, and government sectors. Data from the 2019 NSCG show that the business sector employs nearly three-fourths of workers with a bachelor’s degree or h...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | Supplemental Tables

    Employment in major S&E occupational categories, by sector: 2019

    Individuals in the STEM workforce make important contributions to improve a nation’s living standards, economic growth, and global competitiveness. This report details several aspects of the U.S. STEM workforce, including growth, demographic makeup, earnings, and unemployment. The STEM workforce ...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | Supplemental Tables

    Employment of the skilled technical workforce, by major industry: 2019

    Individuals in the STEM workforce make important contributions to improve a nation’s living standards, economic growth, and global competitiveness. This report details several aspects of the U.S. STEM workforce, including growth, demographic makeup, earnings, and unemployment. The STEM workforce ...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | Supplemental Tables

    Employment sector of S&E highest degree holders and workers in S&E occupations: 1993, 2003, and 2019

    Individuals in the STEM workforce make important contributions to improve a nation’s living standards, economic growth, and global competitiveness. This report details several aspects of the U.S. STEM workforce, including growth, demographic makeup, earnings, and unemployment. The STEM workforce ...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    The STEM Labor Force of Today: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers | Supplemental Tables

    Employment sector of S&E highest degree holders, by level and field of highest degree: 2019

    Individuals in the STEM workforce make important contributions to improve a nation’s living standards, economic growth, and global competitiveness. This report details several aspects of the U.S. STEM workforce, including growth, demographic makeup, earnings, and unemployment. The STEM workforce ...