Survey of Earned Doctorates

Additional Resources

The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) has a wealth of information on the U.S. science and engineering (S&E) enterprise, including additional data and analysis on degree recipients and degree-granting institutions. The latest information from NCSES is available at

Interactive data tool

NCSES’s interactive data tool ( allows for the creation of custom tables from the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) and other NCSES surveys.


Survey of Earned Doctorates

The SED questionnaire, all editions of Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities, and other products related to SED—including U.S. Doctorates in the 20th Century, which documents the history of U.S. doctoral education from 1861 through 1999—are available at

Science and Engineering Indicators

Science and Engineering Indicators offers a comprehensive look at the U.S. S&E enterprise, including education, demographics, employment, research and development expenditures, science and technology capabilities, and public attitudes and understanding about science. The Indicators 2020 report Higher Education in Science and Engineering (NSB-2019-7) is available at

Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering

The biennial report Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering looks at the participation of these three groups in S&E education and employment. Topics in the report include enrollment; field of degree; employment status; and occupation, including academic careers. The 2019 edition (NSF 19-304) is available at

Related Survey

Survey of Doctorate Recipients

The SED serves as a sampling frame for the Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR). The SDR provides demographic, education, and career history information from individuals with a U.S. research doctoral degree in a science, engineering, or health (SEH) field. The SDR is a unique source of information about the educational and occupational achievements and career movement of U.S.-trained doctoral scientists and engineers in the United States and abroad. The survey description, questionnaires, data tables, and latest SDR publications are available at