Acknowledgments and Citation


The National Science Board extends its appreciation to the staff of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation and to the many others, too numerous to list individually, who contributed to the preparation and review of this report.

This report was produced under the leadership of Emilda B. Rivers, Director, NCSES; Christina Freyman, Deputy Director, NCSES; and John Finamore, Chief Statistician, NCSES.

The report benefited from extensive contributions from NCSES staff and contractors. All persons acknowledged are from NCSES unless otherwise specified. The content was developed by Clara Boothby (ORISE), Amy Burke (formerly NCSES), Steven Deitz, Christina Freyman, and Alex Rhodes. Jaqui Falkenheim, Robin Henke (RTI International), Francisco Moris, Carol Robbins, Susan Rotermund (RTI International), Benjamin Schneider, Brian Southwell (RTI International), and Danielle Taylor provided subject-matter expertise. Darius Singpurwalla provided advice on statistical issues. Christine Hamel and Tanya Gore conducted editorial and composition review.

August Gering, RTI International, provided editorial assistance. Angela Haskell (Windsor Group) provided administrative support. Staff at Penobscot Bay Media, LLC (PenBay Media), created the report website. The following agencies reviewed this report:

Bureau of Economic Analysis

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Census Bureau

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Department of Education

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Institutes of Health

Office of Management and Budget

Office of Science and Technology Policy

State Department

U.S. Geological Survey

The Board is especially grateful to the Committee on National Science and Engineering Policy for overseeing preparation of the volume and to the National Science Board Office, under the direction of John Veysey, which provided vital coordination throughout the project. Elizabeth Jeffers led the outreach and dissemination efforts. Amanda Vernon served as National Science Board Office Liaison to the committee. May Aydin, Steven Deitz, and Anne Emig were the Executive Secretaries.

Cover Image Credit

Researchers have developed a method where they imprint tiny patterned grooves onto swellable sheets, such as flat pasta dough or silicone rubber, and watch it "morph" into spirals, tubes, twists, and flowers. The method could lead to more effective food packaging by reducing packing space during transport and storage and reducing landfill waste. This work is led by the Morphing Matter Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, in collaboration with Syracuse University. (Research supported by National Science Foundation grants CMMI 1847149 and IIS 2017008.)

Credit: Lining Yao, Morphing Matter Lab, Carnegie Mellon University