This report presented indicators of K–12 STEM education from a variety of sources and across the spectrum of K–12 education. It explored mathematics and science performance beginning in kindergarten and continuing through fifth grade. It examined achievement for eighth graders, both nationally and internationally, in mathematics and science as well as technology and engineering. It discussed STEM coursetaking in high school and examined how high school preparation is related to choosing STEM majors in college or transitioning directly into skilled technical jobs. The findings presented here suggest that the United States still has work to do to ensure that (1) all students have equal access to STEM opportunities; (2) STEM achievement continues to improve; and (3) the United States is globally competitive in K–12 STEM education outcomes. The analyses presented here also suggest that K–12 STEM education plays a critical role in introducing students to STEM topics and preparing them to enter STEM majors and jobs.
Internationally, TIMSS data show that the United States ranks in the middle of advanced economies in producing high-performing mathematics and science students and is behind several education systems such as Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. Nationally, data from ECLS-K:2011 indicate that achievement gaps by socioeconomic status and race or ethnicity are present as early as kindergarten and gaps for some racial and ethnic groups do not lessen over the course of schooling. NAEP data indicate that mathematics performance for eighth graders has plateaued in the past decade, and performance gaps based on SES and race or ethnicity have persisted over time. NAEP science scores show that eighth graders improved their science performance between 2009 and 2015, the last time science was assessed. In addition, the report highlights that eighth graders have improved their technology and engineering literacy performance since 2014, and there is no male-female achievement gap in that arena. Also, the percentage of high school students immediately enrolling in college after high school continues to rise, and the enrollment rates for Hispanic and white students are now equal.
Finally, the data reveal that high school preparation matters for later STEM outcomes in postsecondary education and the workforce; the topics of higher education and the labor force are further discussed in the Indicators 2020 report “Higher Education in Science and Engineering” and forthcoming report “Science and Engineering Labor Force.” Taking advanced mathematics and science courses in high school is associated with a greater likelihood of declaring STEM majors, and students who take STEM technical education courses earn higher wages in skilled technical jobs directly out of high school.
Charting a Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education, the federal government’s 5-year strategic plan for STEM education, offers a plan for STEM education to address the inequities highlighted in this report.