1-1 |
Report |
Average mathematics and science assessment test scores of children who were in kindergarten for the first time during the 2010–11 school year and in grade 5 during the 2015–16 school year, by child and family characteristics |
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1-2 |
Report |
Average scores of students in grade 8 on the NAEP mathematics assessment, by student characteristics: 1990–2017 |
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1-3 |
Report |
Average scores of students in grade 8 on the NAEP technology and engineering literacy assessment, by student characteristics: 2014 and 2018 |
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1-4 |
Report |
Average TIMSS mathematics scores of students in grade 8 and percentage of students in the highest and lowest percentiles among participating developed economies, by education system: 2015 |
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1-5 |
Report |
Average TIMSS science scores of students in grade 8 and percentage of students in highest and lowest percentiles among participating developed economies, by education system: 2015 |
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1-6 |
Report |
Public school students in grade 8 who have teachers with state certification, more than 5 years of teaching experience, or a degree in mathematics, by student and school characteristics: 2015 |
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1-7 |
Report |
Students in grade 9 in fall 2009 who had enrolled in postsecondary education by the end of 2013 and declared a STEM major for their most recent undergraduate degree or certificate, by selected demographic characteristics, and mathematics and science preparation in high school: 2016 |
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1-8 |
Report |
Distribution of occupation and median standardized hourly wage for current or most recent job of students in grade 9 in fall 2009 who had not enrolled in postsecondary education and had worked for pay since leaving high school, by mathematics and science preparation in high school: 2016 |
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1-9 |
Report |
Distribution of occupation and median standardized hourly wage for current or most recent job of students in grade 9 in fall 2009 who had not enrolled in postsecondary education and had worked for pay since leaving high school, by selected demographic characteristics: 2016 |
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1-10 |
Report |
Distribution of occupation and median standardized hourly wage for current or most recent job of students in grade 9 in fall 2009 who had not enrolled in postsecondary education and had worked for pay since leaving high school, by career and technical education preparation in high school: 2016 |
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S1-1 |
Supplemental |
Average mathematics assessment test scores of children who were in kindergarten for the first time in the 2010–11 school year and in grade 5 in the 2015–16 school year, by child and family characteristics |
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S1-2 |
Supplemental |
Average science assessment test scores of children who were in kindergarten for the first time in the 2010–11 school year and in grade 5 in the 2015–16 school year, by child and family characteristics |
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S1-3 |
Supplemental |
Average scores of students in grades 4, 8, and 12 on the NAEP mathematics assessment, by student characteristics: 1990–2017 |
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S1-4 |
Supplemental |
Students in grades 4, 8, and 12 scoring at or above NAEP's proficient level in mathematics for their grade, by student grade and characteristics: 1990–2017 |
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S1-5 |
Supplemental |
Average NAEP technology and engineering literacy assessment scores of students in grade 8 and percentage of students scoring proficient or above, by student characteristics: 2014 and 2018 |
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S1-6 |
Supplemental |
High school graduates enrolled in college in October after completing high school, by demographic characteristics and institution type: 1975–2016 |
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S1-7 |
Supplemental |
Students in grade 9 in fall 2009 who had not enrolled in postsecondary education and had worked for pay since leaving high school, by selected demographic characteristics: 2016 |
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S1-8 |
Supplemental |
Distribution of STW and non-STW occupation for students in grade 9 in fall 2009 who had not enrolled in postsecondary education and had worked for pay since leaving high school, by selected demographic characteristics: 2016 |
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