
  1. 1 Results include countries with the top 16 gross domestic expenditures on R&D as a percentage of GDP in 2019 (see Indicators 2022 report “Research and Development: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons”). Iceland was ranked in the top 16 but was not included in the 2020 Wellcome Global Monitor survey, so results presented include 15 of the top 16 countries with the largest gross domestic expenditures on R&D as a percentage of GDP in 2019.

  2. 2 The Pew Research Center provided restricted-use data from September 2022 for this analysis that are presented here and in other sections of this report with the center’s permission. The Pew Research Center’s ATP is a nationally representative survey panel composed of more than 10,000 randomly selected adults in the United States. For more information about the ATP, see

  3. 3 3M shared data for this analysis that are presented here and used with 3M’s permission. The 3M State of Science Index survey is an independent, nationally representative research study commissioned by 3M to track global attitudes toward science. It has been conducted annually since 2018; due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, two waves of data were released in 2020 after an additional survey was fielded during summer 2020. The 2020 Pre-Pandemic Survey was conducted in 14 countries, while the 2020 Pandemic Pulse Survey was conducted in 11 countries; the United States was included in both surveys. For more information about the survey methodology, see

  4. 4 As noted earlier, the Pew Research Center provided restricted-use data from November 2020 for this analysis that are presented here and used with the center’s permission.

  5. 5 As noted earlier, 3M shared data for this analysis that are presented here and used with their permission.