The National Secure Data Service Demonstration (NSDS-D) project is required under the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act to inform a governmentwide effort on strengthening data linkage and data access infrastructure. This effort facilitates statistical activities in support of increased evidence building for the American public. The goal of the NSDS-D project is to inform efforts for developing a shared services model that would streamline and innovate data sharing and linking to enable decision-making at all levels of government and in all sectors.
A National Secure Data Service, or NSDS, was first introduced by the bipartisan Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking's Final Report in 2017, and later envisioned through specific recommendations provided by the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building in 2022, established pursuant to the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.
The demonstration project will inform whether an NSDS will be established in the future. The goal is to pilot potential services, technologies, techniques, and shared services that could be used within a potential NSDS. The focus is on novel research collaborations, data linkage methodologies, and privacy preserving technologies and techniques.