The NCSES Corrections Policy (172 KB) states that NCSES must correct substantive errors in its content and notify users of these corrections. Corrections posted since August 2010 are collected on this page. They may be sorted by posting date, product number, or title. To report an error, please contact NCSES.

Product ID
NCSES 24-206
Full-Time Master’s Student Enrollment in Science, Engineering, and Health
September 4, 2024

The text of this product has been corrected to change the end year from 2022 to 2020 in the following sentence: “During the COVID pandemic, the number of temporary visa holders enrolled first-time, full-time as master’s students in SEH sank from 28,568 to 12,678 for men and fell from 19,042 to 9,703 for women between 2019 and 2020.” The figure beneath this text is unaffected.

NSF 23-341
Coastal Counties in the West and Northeast Lead the United States in Biotechnology Utility Patents Granted to Residents between 2000 and 2020
June 1, 2023

This product’s text has been corrected to properly place the biotechnology contributions of the city of Cambridge in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. The original text incorrectly identified Boston as a city in Middlesex County. Boston is within Suffolk County, Massachusetts. The county data within the figure is unaffected.

Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS) Public Use Data Files
August 27, 2024
The unit identification number (UNITID) for The Scripps Research Institute was corrected in the 2022 SAS and Excel public use files.
NSF 24-319
Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 2022
Data Table
March 20, 2024

Four of the technical tables were updated by correcting data or adding missing data. For table A-4, 2022 data were corrected for all unit counts for the following fields: agricultural sciences; chemical, petroleum, and chemical-related engineering; civil, environmental, transportation and related engineering fields; electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering; industrial, manufacturing, systems engineering and operations research; metallurgical, mining, materials and related engineering fields; other engineering; and other health.

For table A-8, detailed fields were added under the broad fields of science, engineering, and health for fall 2022.

For table A-11, imputation rate data for Total, Unknown ethnicity and race (Excel cell B16) was corrected from 18.3 to 3.4 and the number imputed for Total, Unknown ethnicity and race (Excel cell B29) was corrected from 600 to 91.

For table A-16, Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes with fewer than six characters were corrected by appending trailing zeros. Missing labels for CIP code 60.0750 were provided.

Invention, Knowledge Transfer, and Innovation
February 29, 2024

The titles, descriptions, and callouts of data files SWBINV-1, SWBINV-2, and SWBINV-3 were inadvertently switched between the three files. These items have been corrected in all locations; the data values within the files are unchanged.

NSF 24-309
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2021–22
Data Table
December 21, 2023
The Table 9 title incorrectly referred to “R&D plant and fields of R&D.” The title wording has been updated to “R&D and R&D plant” to match the data within the table.
Science and Engineering State Profiles
December 21, 2023
Correction: Because of a programming error, the value for U.S. total, Employed S&E doctorate holders, 2021 was reported as 0 in the State Profiles released in July and December 2023. This value has been corrected to 868,100.
NSF 23-300
Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2021
Special Report
October 18, 2022
The unit of measure label in table A was corrected from “percent” to “number.” The wording in the first sentence of the “Field of doctorate” section, subsection “Minority U.S. citizens and permanent residents” was corrected from “S&E doctorate recipients” to “doctorate recipients.” The title text of table B was corrected from “S&E doctorates . . .” to “Doctorates. . .” The values in table B’s “Not Hispanic or Latino” row (number and percent) and “Ethnicity not reported” row (percent) were corrected for a calculation error, and the “Ethnicity not reported” label was outdented one level to indicate this category is not a subset of the “Not Hispanic or Latino" category. The unit of measure in several values in the “Field of doctorate” and the “Postgraduation trends” sections was changed from “percent” to “percentage point.”
NSF 24-301
U.S. Nonprofits' R&D Performance Totaled $27 Billion in FY 2021
October 23, 2023

In table 2, the estimates for FY 2021 were generated from microdata that included some uncorrected balance errors. This affected all cells except for the one with All R&D, Total. This error was also seen in the text describing the table findings, where the proportion of nonfederally funded R&D total was listed as 32% instead of 31%. The table and the text have been corrected, so text now reads, “A higher proportion of the federally funded R&D total was spent on applied research (44%) compared to the nonfederally funded R&D total (31%).

NSF 24-304
Nonprofit Research Activities: FY 2021
Data Table
October 23, 2023
In table 6, the estimates for FY 2021 were generated from microdata that included some uncorrected balance errors. This affected all rows except Total R&D expenditures and Federally funded R&D expenditures. The table has been corrected.
Academic Research and Development
October 5, 2023
In the “Executive Summary,” the number of historically Black colleges and universities that reported R&D expenditures in the FY 2021 Higher Education Research and Development Survey was incorrectly listed as 57. The number has been corrected to 56.
NSF 23-319
Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2021
Data Table
January 27, 2023
Data correction: In the Survey of Doctorate Recipients 2021 data tables reporting field of doctorate, the incorrect label “Industrial engineers” was corrected to "Metallurgical and materials engineering." Please see the "Correction" section of the data tables site for the list of corrected tables.
NSF 21-320
Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2019
Data Table
April 27, 2021
Data correction: In the Survey of Doctorate Recipients 2019 data tables reporting field of doctorate, the incorrect label “Industrial engineers” was corrected to "Metallurgical and materials engineering." Please see the "Correction" section of the data tables site for the list of corrected tables.
NSF 23-336
Product Innovation and Race or Ethnicity of Primary Business Owner
May 23, 2023
The definition of product innovation was corrected to “the introduction to the market of new or improved products (goods or services) that differed significantly from the business’s previous products.” It was listed incorrectly as “the introduction of new or improved products (goods or services) that differed significantly from the business’s previous products or processes.”
NSF 23-337
Product Innovation and Sex of the Primary Business Owner
May 23, 2023
The definition of product innovation was corrected to “the introduction to the market of new or improved products (goods or services) that differed significantly from the business’s previous products.” It was listed incorrectly as “the introduction of new or improved products (goods or services) that differed significantly from the business’s previous products or processes.”
NSF 23-312
Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 2021
Data Table
January 17, 2023
Data correction: In Table 5-2, the percent of Black or African American doctorate-holding nonfaculty researchers at HBCUs in the field of aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical engineering has been corrected from 0.0 to na (not applicable).  Race, ethnicity, and citizenship data were not collected for doctorate-holding nonfaculty researchers.
Science and Engineering State Profiles: Spring 2022 Update
Other Web Product
June 13, 2022
The U.S. value for “Personal income per capita, 2020 (dollars)” was incorrectly reported in the November 2021 and June 2022 updates. It has been corrected to reflect the value reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
National Survey of College Graduates: 2019
Data Table
February 25, 2022
In table 5-1, one age group category was mislabeled as “50–59,” when it should have been labeled as “50–75.” The category has been updated, so it now shows two age groups: “50–59” and “60–75.”
NSF 22-316
Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function: Fiscal Years 2020–22
Data Table
January 18, 2022
In table 25, data were transposed for the categories “Note: R&D funds” and “Total for all socioeconomic categories” for the years 2020, 2021 preliminary, and 2022 proposed. The table has been corrected.
NSF 21-308
Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2019
Special Report
December 1, 2020
Figure 22 in the report contained incorrect information for year 2000 and was updated. Corresponding text was revised to clarify changes were over the past 20 years.
Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 2017
Data Table
May 21, 2019
Table 4-6b through table 4-18b (all “b” tables) contained a category that was mislabeled as “Nonfederal domestic.” That category was corrected to “Nonfederal,” and a footnote was added to clarify that nonfederal includes foreign support.
Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering: Fall 2018
Data Table
March 2, 2020
Table 4-6b through table 4-18b (all “b” tables) contained a category that was mislabeled as “Nonfederal domestic.” That category was corrected to “Nonfederal,” and a footnote was added to clarify that nonfederal includes foreign support.
Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons
December 17, 2019
The labels for Canada and the UK were reversed in the image of Figure 5a-11 and have been corrected in all viewing and downloading options. The Excel data download was not affected.

Percentages for Japan and India have been corrected in table S5a-17 and figure 5a-4. Text referencing figure 5a-4, located in the section Publication Output, by Field of Science, were also corrected.
Production and Trade of Knowledge- and Technology-Intensive Industries
January 23, 2020
The original text stated that China became the largest producer in the computer, electronic, and optical products industry in 2013 instead of 2014. The text has been corrected consistent with data in Table S6-7. No other formats were impacted.
Higher Education Research and Development: Fiscal Year 2018
Data Table
November 13, 2019
Table 26 contained an unnecessary imputation flag (“i”) for Harvard University in the Life sciences field. Tables 82 and 83 contained unnecessary imputation flags (“i”) for Kean University in the Engineering field. These flags have been removed; no other data in the table are affected.

Technical Table A-3 contained incorrect institution counts (by one institution) for FYs 2013–16 in the Standard form population, Doctorate degrees granted, and All respondents. These cells have been corrected; no other data in the table are affected.
FY 2017 HERD public use files and user's guide
July 25, 2019
Data in the SAS, SPSS, and CSV formats of the 2010–16 Higher Education Research and Development Survey public use files were incorrect between 20 November 2018 and 25 July 2019. During this time, only the Excel format contained the latest data revisions. All formats for these years are now correct.
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2017–18
Data Table
June 17, 2019
Table 95 contained incorrect data for personnel costs (2017) and preliminary personnel costs (2018) for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This error also affected the totals for the Department of Health and Human Services and for All agencies. The table has been corrected.
NSF 19-304
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2019
Special Report
March 8, 2019
Table 2-6 contained formatting errors and was corrected. The extra cell “Other or more than one Institution” under “Institution type” was removed. The percent totals for “Enrollment status” had appeared on the wrong line (one row below, in the “Full time” heading) and were moved up to the correct location. Percent totals were changed to 100.0 for “All undergraduates/Age (years)” (was 100.1) and “Without disability/Full time” (was 99.9).
NSF 19-313
University Research Space Increased by 5.5 Million Square Feet between FY 2015 and FY 2017
March 14, 2019
Table 5 contained incorrect data and was updated. Prior years’ data were corrected for the “All institutions” totals in FY 2013 and FY 2015, for the “Leading 30 institutions” totals in FY 2015, and for Johns Hopkins University in FY 2015. In addition, a small rounding error (equivalent to 0.1% of the totals) was corrected for Leading 30 institutions in FY 2013 and FY 2017.
NSF 17-310
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2017
Special Report
January 30, 2017
Tables 9-13 and 9-14 contained errors due to an inconsistent application of suppression rules. The tables have been corrected, with suppression applied consistently to all the data. The titles and notes changed to clarify that the bachelor’s and master’s degrees were from a U.S. educational institution. Notes also have been revised to clarify that individuals self-employed in a non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm are excluded from salary data.
NSF 18-309
National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2015-16 Data Update
Detailed Statistical Table
May 21, 2018
The contents list of data tables contained an incorrect label. The list has been corrected in the web and PDF views. The tables and data are unchanged.
NSF 18-308
Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function: Fiscal Years 2016–18
Detailed Statistical Table
April 24, 2018
Table 23 inadvertently omitted R&D data for FY 2015. The table has been corrected in the Excel and PDF versions of the table, as well as the PDF of the full report.
Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: Fiscal Year 2016
Data Table
May 22, 2018
The title of table 3 has been corrected to “Federal obligations for science and engineering to universities and colleges, by state and outlying area: FYs 2008–16.” It was listed incorrectly as “Federal obligations and outlays for research, development, and R&D plant, by agency: FYs 2008–16.”
Science & Engineering Indicators 2018
Indicators 2018
March 22, 2018
Chapter 2
Owing to a composition issue, Appendix Table 2-20 was missing the data for 2015. The table has been corrected in all formats.
FFRDC 2015 public use files
February 13, 2018
In the FY 2015 public use file, the location of several FFRDCs was listed incorrectly.  The affected FFRDCs were National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Science and Technology Policy Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Lab, Aerospace FFRDC, and National Solar Observatory.  Their locations have been corrected in the public use file.  The FY 2015 data tables were unaffected.
Science & Engineering Indicators 2018
Indicators 2018
March 22, 2018
Chapter 5
In the discussion on EPSCoR, the text used the historical name of the program.  The American Innovation and Competitiveness Act of 2017 changed the program’s name from the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research to the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. The program name has been updated throughout, and a note regarding the name change has been added to the EPSCoR sidebar in Chapter 5.
Science & Engineering Indicators 2018 Digest
Indicators 2018
March 22, 2018
On page 15 of the print edition, in the theme U.S. S&E Workforce: Trends and Composition, the Y-axis label of the figure “Foreign-born individuals in U.S. S&E occupations, by level of degree and occupation: 2015” should say “Percent.” The label has been corrected in the web version and in the downloadable PDF.
NSF 17-309
Field Composition of Postdocs Shifts as Numbers Decline in Biological Sciences and in Clinical Medicine
February 9, 2017
In "Data, Sources, and Limitations," the original text stated the 2014 frame update added 14,722 science, engineering, and health graduate students, an increase of 2.5% over the previous frame. However, these numbers reflect only the change in science and engineering graduate student enrollment. For science, engineering, and health, the frame update added a total of 15,848 graduate students, an increase of 2.4%. The text has been corrected; the accompanying tables were unaffected.
NSF 17-303
Universities Report Fourth Straight Year of Declining Federal R&D Funding in FY 2015
November 17, 2016
The HTML version of Table 4 cut off the name of U. Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. The webpage has been corrected; the PDF version is unaffected.
NSF 17-319
The 2015 Survey of Doctorate Recipients Expands Its Population Coverage and Reporting on Field of Study
June 28, 2017
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) was inadvertently excluded as a co-sponsor of the Survey of Doctorate Recipients. This has been corrected, and NIH is now appropriately credited.
NSF 17-313
Profile of Early Career Doctorates: 2015
January 25, 2017
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) was inadvertently excluded as a co-sponsor of the Early Career Doctorates Survey. This has been corrected, and NIH is now appropriately credited.
NSF 17-308
Survey of State Government Research and Development: FYs 2014 and 2015
Detailed Statistical Table
January 24, 2017
In Table 1, the unit of measure is “Dollars,” not “Thousands of dollars.” The table has been corrected.
Higher Education Research and Development: Fiscal Year 2015
Data Table
November 17, 2016
In Table A-21, the R&D expenditures reported for the Federal Bureau of Investigation were inadvertently included in the Department of Transportation rather than the Department of Justice. The R&D expenditure amounts have since been corrected for these two federal agencies.
NSF 16-300
Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2014
Detailed Statistical Table
December 3, 2015
Table 26 contained errors due to incorrect application of NCSES’s disclosure protection procedures. The table has been replaced with a corrected version.
NSF 17-306
Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2015
Data Table
December 6, 2016
Table 26 contained errors due to incorrect application of NCSES’s disclosure protection procedures. The table has been replaced with a corrected version.
NSF 13-304
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2013
Special Report
February 28, 2013

Table 9-11 contained incorrect data under the column heading “Reason for part-time status, Chronic illness or permanent disability.” This response was not a survey option in 2010, and numbers given were the total number of persons working part time. This column has been deleted; no other data in the table are affected.

In table 9-36, the estimates presented for “Management and administration” were actually for its sub-category “Managing and supervising” (this subcategory is not reported on the table). In addition, the estimates reported in the “Other” category were incorrect. The estimates in both categories have been corrected.

In the Persons with Disabilities theme’s Figure 6-E (Age at onset of disability among scientists and engineers: 2010), ten-year-olds were inadvertently included in the category: “Younger than 10 years” and excluded from the category “10–19 years.” The figure has been corrected. The value for “Younger than 10 years” is 6.2%, and the value for “10–19 years” is 13.1%.

NSF 15-311
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2015
Special Report
January 30, 2015

Table 9-11 contained incorrect data under the column heading “Reason for part-time status, Chronic illness or permanent disability.” This response was not a survey option in 2013, and numbers given were the total number of persons working part time. This column has been deleted; no other data in the table are affected.

In table 9-36, the estimates presented for “Management or administration” were actually for its sub-category “Managing and supervising” (this subcategory is not reported on the table). In addition, the estimates reported in the “Other” category were incorrect. The estimates in both categories have been corrected. The replacement table corrects these issues and updates all estimates to use final, rather than preliminary, 2013 SESTAT data.

In the Occupation theme’s Figure 5-D (Employed Hispanics within the science and engineering workforce as a percentage of selected occupations: 2013), the share for health technologists or technicians was corrected to be 14.5%. Also, Computer system analysts was inadvertently listed under S&E-related occupations rather than S&E occupations. The figure has been corrected.

In the Occupation theme’s Figure 5-E (Age at onset of disability within the science and engineering workforce: 2013) ten-year-olds were inadvertently included in the category “Younger than 10 years” and excluded from the category “10–19 years.” The figure has been corrected. The value for “Younger than 10 years” is 8.0%, and the value for “10–19 years” is 15.3%.

NSF 16-313
Business Research and Development and Innovation: 2013
Detailed Statistical Table
August 2, 2016
Table 30 contained errors in data reported for the number of companies by company size distribution. This table has been replaced with a corrected version.

The original web listing of the appendix tables incorrectly stated the final data year as 2012. The appendix tables include 2013 data. The web list has been corrected. The PDF/download file and the appendix tables are unaffected.
Higher Education Research and Development Survey, Fiscal Year 2014
Data Table
November 17, 2015
In table 84, the Nebraska State College System and Peru State College were incorrectly listed within the University of Nebraska System instead of being listed as a separate system and member college. The table has been corrected, and the number under the U. Nebraska System has been corrected from 428,364 to 428,151.
NSF 15-302
Employment Decisions of U.S. and Foreign Doctoral Graduates: A Comparative Study
December 4, 2014
In table 5, the estimated odds ratio associated with “Degree year cohort, 2008 versus 2009” was placed a row too low, next to “Source of financial support.” The table has been replaced with a corrected version.
NSF 16-300
Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2014 Report
Special Report
March 31, 2016
In the print edition of the report, Figure F on page 13 (“Median salary of doctorate recipients with definite commitments in the United States, by position type and college generation: 2014”) inadvertently truncated the y-axis label. The full label is “Dollars (thousands)” and the figure has been corrected in the files available on the web site.
NSF 16-310
Influx of Foreign Graduate Students and Inclusion of Newly Eligible Institutions Lead to a Significant Increase in U.S. Graduate Enrollment in Science and Engineering
March 29, 2016
Due to an editorial error, the original publication omitted the word “increased” from the sentence beginning “For the fourth straight year...” in the Postdoctoral Appointees in S&E section.
NSF 15-330
U.S. R&D Increased in 2013, Well Ahead of the Pace of Gross Domestic Product
September 8, 2015
In Table 3, the data for two sources of funds for R&D expenditures by Universities and colleges were inadvertently transposed, creating errors in the “Basic research,” “Applied research,” and “Development” panels. The reported performance totals were not affected. This table has been replaced with its correct version.
NSF 13-332
Business Research and Development and Innovation: 2008–10
Detailed Statistical Table
September 18, 2013
The title of table 106 has been corrected from “paid for by others” to “paid for and performed by the company.”
NSF 11-309
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2011
Special Report
February 28, 2011
Several science and engineering (S&E)-related occupations were incorrectly classified as non-S&E occupations in the tables from the 2008 National Survey of Recent College Graduates. Tables 9-13 and 9-14 have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 09-305
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2009
Special Report
February 13, 2009
Several science and engineering (S&E)-related occupations were incorrectly classified as non-S&E occupations in the tables from the 2006 National Survey of Recent College Graduates. Tables H-13 and H-14 have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 13-333
Two NSF Surveys on R&D Document Varied Relationships between Businesses and Academia
September 19, 2013
The number of companies sampled in 2010 for the Business R&D and Innovation Survey was incorrectly stated. The number has been corrected from 42,314 to 42,965.
NSF 10-301
State Agency Research and Development Expenditures: Fiscal Year 2007
Detailed Statistical Table
November 19, 2009
Table 1 contained errors in data reported in the column “All state government expenditures.” This table has been replaced with a corrected version.
NSF 13-332
Business Research and Development and Innovation: 2008–10
Detailed Statistical Table
September 18, 2013
Tables 124, 139, and 141 contained errors in data reported and have been replaced with corrected versions. Specific corrections are as follows. Table 124:  total number of full-time equivalent scientists and engineers column for several industries. Table 139: number of companies reporting R&D in the energy application area for mining, extraction, and support activities and other nonmanufacturing industries and in the environmental protection area for agricultural implement and other machinery manufacturing industries. Table 141: number of companies reporting R&D in medical clinical trials for other chemicals and other manufacturing industries, number of companies reporting R&D in nanotechnology for semiconductor machinery and other machinery manufacturing industries, and the amount of domestic R&D paid for in medical clinical trials for other chemicals.
NSF 13-326
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2010–12
Detailed Statistical Table
July 8, 2013
In table 16, the column to the right of “Universities and colleges” was incorrectly labeled “Industry FFRDC.” It has been corrected to “University FFRDC.”
NSF 10-318
Characteristics of Recent Science and Engineering Graduates: 2006
Detailed Statistical Table
August 10, 2010
For the 2006 and 2008 Characteristics of Recent Science and Engineering Graduates, several science and engineering (S&E)-related occupations were incorrectly classified as non-S&E occupations. Tables 1−6, 35, 36, 53, and 54 and their corresponding standard error tables (tables B-1−B-6, B-35, B-36, B-53, and B-54) have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 12-328
Characteristics of Recent Science and Engineering Graduates: 2008
Detailed Statistical Table
August 30, 2012
For the 2006 and 2008 Characteristics of Recent Science and Engineering Graduates, several science and engineering (S&E)-related occupations were incorrectly classified as non-S&E occupations. Tables 1−6, 35, 36, 53, and 54 and their corresponding standard error tables (tables A-1−A-6, A-35, A-36, A-53, and A-54) have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 13-318
National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2010–11 Data Update
Detailed Statistical Table
April 15, 2013
In table 11, the second column under the spanner heading “U&Ca” was incorrectly labeled “Business.” It has been corrected to “Federal.”
NSF 13-302
Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States: 2008
Detailed Statistical Table
December 20, 2012
Tables 6 and A-6 contained errors in data reported for doctorate recipients receiving or not receiving federal support. These tables have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 13-311
Employment and Educational Characteristics of Scientists and Engineers
January 7, 2013
Data displayed in table 1 for individuals in science occupations were incorrect. Table 1 has been replaced with a corrected version, and the percentage reported in the text for women who are psychologists has been corrected from 70% to 67%.
Science and Engineering State Profiles
October 9, 2012
SBIR awards are correctly reported as counts in the September 2012 update. In the 2011 release the unit of measure was mislabeled "($millions)."
NSF 12-318
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2009–11
Detailed Statistical Table
July 2, 2012
FY 2009 Department of Defense R&D data are underreported by $7.7 billion in this report. Air Force underreported data for major systems development by a considerable amount and slightly overreported data for basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development. Air Force has since corrected these data. Revised FY 2009 data will be available in volume 60 (FY 2010–12) of the Federal Funds series of detailed statistical tables. Revised FY 2009 data will also be available in the forthcoming update of Science and Engineering State Profiles.
NSF 12-314
ARRA Increased Federal Research and Development and R&D Plant Obligations by $19.2 Billion for FY 2009–10
April 30, 2012
FY 2009 Department of Defense R&D data are underreported by $7.7 billion in this report. Air Force underreported data for major systems development by a considerable amount and slightly overreported data for basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development. Air Force has since corrected these data. Revised FY 2009 data will be available in the forthcoming data-release InfoBrief for volume 60 (FY 2010–12) of the Federal Funds series of detailed statistical tables. Revised FY 2009 data will also be available in the forthcoming update of Science and Engineering State Profiles.
NSF 12-308
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2008–10
Detailed Statistical Table
April 18, 2012
Table 107 has been replaced with a corrected version. It removes Office of Science obligations from the FY 2008–09 totals for the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Science and Engineering State Profiles
March 6, 2012
From November 2011 to February 2012, "Download all current profiles," at the bottom of each profile page, was linked to a preliminary file containing errors and/or omissions. It now links to the final, corrected data (state_profiles_2011.xls).
NSF 03-324
S&E State Profiles: 2000-01
Detailed Statistical Table
July 22, 2003
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. See NSF 02-321 for corrected data.
NSF 05-301
S&E State Profiles: 2001-03
Detailed Statistical Table
December 17, 2004
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. See NSF 04-310 for corrected data.
NSF 06-314
S&E State Profiles: 2003-04
Detailed Statistical Table
May 8, 2006
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. See NSF 05-307 for corrected data.
NSF 07-322
S&E State Profiles: 2003-05
Detailed Statistical Table
May 31, 2007
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. See NSF 06-313 for corrected data.
NSF 08-314
S&E State Profiles: 2005-07
Detailed Statistical Table
August 15, 2008
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. See NSF 09-300 for corrected data.
NSF 10-302
S&E State Profiles: 2006-08
Detailed Statistical Table
November 4, 2009
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. See NSF 10-303 for corrected data.
NSF 11-320
Academic Institutions of Minority Faculty with Science, Engineering, and Health Doctorates
October 11, 2011
In table 6, the column label "All academic employers (number)" was corrected to "All faculty (number)."
NSF 02-321
Federal Funds for R&D: FYs 2000, 2001, and 2002, Volume 50
Detailed Statistical Table
July 16, 2002
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables C-1–C-5, C-8, C-11, C-14, C-49, C-80, C-82–C-83, C-83a, C-83b, C-84, C-84a, C-84b, C-85, C-88, C-91, C-92a, C-93a, C-95a, C-96a, C-101a, C-102, C-106, C-110a have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 04-310
Federal Funds for R&D: FYs 2001, 2002, and 2003
Detailed Statistical Table
April 20, 2004
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables C-1–C-5, C-8, C-11, C-14, C-49, C-80, C-82–C-83, C-83a, C-83b, C-84, C-84a, C-84b, C-85, C-88, C-91, C-92a, C-93a, C-95a, C-96a, C-101a, C-102, C-106, C-111a have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 05-307
Federal Funds for R&D: FYs 2002, 2003, and 2004
Detailed Statistical Table
April 12, 2005
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables C-1–C-5, C-8, C-11, C-14, C-49, C-80, C-82–C-83, C-83a, C-83b, C-84, C-84a, C-84b, C-85, C-88, C-91, C-92a, C-93a, C-95a, C-96a, C-101a, C-102, C-106, C-111a have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 06-313
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2003-05
Detailed Statistical Table
May 12, 2006
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables 1–5, 8, 11, 14, 49, 80, 82-89, 92, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 115, 116, 120, 129 have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 07-323
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2004-06
Detailed Statistical Table
June 1, 2007
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables 1–5, 8, 11, 14, 49, 80, 82–85, 87–90, 92, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 115, 116, 120, 129  have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 09-300
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2005–07
Detailed Statistical Table
November 14, 2008
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables 1–5, 8, 11, 14, 49, 80, 82–85, 87–90, 92, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 115, 116, 120, 129  have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 10-303
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2006–08
Detailed Statistical Table
October 15, 2009
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables 1–5, 8, 11, 14, 49, 80, 82–85, 87–90, 92, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 115, 116, 120, 129  have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 10-305
Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2007-09
Detailed Statistical Table
May 12, 2010
From FY 2000 to FY 2007 Department of the Air Force (AF) did not report BA 6.7 Operational Systems Development data to the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D because the agency misunderstood reporting requirements. During the Volume 57 data collection cycle AF corrected this error. Tables 1–5, 8, 11, 14, 49, 80, 82–85, 87–90, 92, 95, 97, 99, 103, 105, 115, 116, 120, 129  have been replaced with corrected versions.
NSF 06-322
Research and Development in Industry: 2002
Detailed Statistical Table
August 9, 2006
Appendix table A-5 was replaced with a corrected version.
Industrial Research & Development Information System (IRIS) 1953-07 data
July 25, 2011
Appendix table A-5 was replaced with a corrected version in the following reports: NSF 06-322, NSF 07-314, NSF 09-301, and NSF 10-319.
NSF 10-319
Research and Development in Industry: 2005
Detailed Statistical Table
June 25, 2010
Appendix table A-5 was replaced with a corrected version.
NSF 09-301
Research and Development in Industry: 2004
Detailed Statistical Table
January 12, 2009
Appendix table A-5 was replaced with a corrected version.
NSF 07-314
Research and Development in Industry: 2003
Detailed Statistical Table
February 26, 2007
Appendix table A-5 was replaced with a corrected version.
NSF 11-317
Community Colleges: Playing an Important Role in the Education of Science, Engineering, and Health Graduates
June 27, 2011
The comparison showing a 5 to 6 percentage point increase in community college attendance between AY 1999–2000 and AY 2001–07 was removed; these data are not comparable because the scope of the NSRCG changed in 2003 to include health graduates.
NSF 09-310
Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2006
Detailed Statistical Table
March 27, 2009
This report has been withdrawn and replaced by NSF 12-302, which provides corrected tables.

Department of Defense (DOD) discovered a programming error made during the FY 2005 survey cycle that caused each advanced technology development dollar to be reported both as advanced technology development and as major systems. The correction resulted in a change of about $350 million out of a $25 billion total in most of the tables.
NSF 09-315
Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2007
Detailed Statistical Table
September 18, 2009
This report has been withdrawn and replaced by NSF 12-301, which provides corrected tables.

Department of Defense (DOD) discovered a programming error made during the FY 2005 survey cycle that caused each advanced technology development dollar to be reported both as advanced technology development and as major systems. The correction resulted in a change of about $350 million out of a $25 billion total in most of the tables.
NSF 07-333
Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2005
Detailed Statistical Table
October 15, 2007
This report has been withdrawn and replaced by NSF 12-312, which provides corrected tables.

Department of Defense (DOD) discovered a programming error made during the FY 2005 survey cycle that caused each advanced technology development dollar to be reported both as advanced technology development and as major systems. The correction resulted in a change of about $350 million out of a $25 billion total in most of the tables.
NSF 11-309
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2011
Special Report
February 28, 2011
Table 7-18 was based on all doctorate recipients; it was intended to be based on all recipients of science and engineering doctorates. It has been replaced with a corrected table.
NSF 09-317
Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States: 2006
Detailed Statistical Table
August 4, 2009
Errors in the coding of race/ethnicity data collected by the 2006 Survey of Doctorate Recipients have been corrected. Detailed information on this issue is available on our data-correction status page. The following data tables and their corresponding standard error tables have been replaced in this report with corrected versions: 3, 6, 8, 14, 19, 22, 24-28, 31, 34, 37, 38, 44, 47, 50, 56, 61, 64, 65, 72, 79.
NSF 06-318
Academic Institutions of Minority Faculty with S&E Doctorates
June 15, 2006
This report has been replaced by NSF 11-320.

Owing to the discovery of quality issues in race and ethnicity data from the 2003 and the 2006 Survey of Doctorate Recipients, this publication has been withdrawn.