Surveys & Analysis

NCSES conducts a number of periodic surveys to assess trends in the science and engineering enterprise. Select an individual survey for a detailed description and links to related data, reports, collections, and products.

Featured Reports

View key reports from NCSES on the current state of science and engineering in the United States.
The State of U.S. Science and Engineering.

The State of U.S. Science and Engineering

Review information on the state of the U.S. science and engineering enterprise over time and within a global context. This report is congressionally mandated, prepared and released every even-numbered year. 
Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities.

Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities

Examine major trends in doctoral education from accredited U.S. academic institutions. Data are organized into categories such as field of study, postgraduation commitments, and characteristics of doctoral recipients.

Data Collections

The following collections aggregate data and analysis from across NCSES on specific topics.
Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function.

Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function

This collection presents data on the federal funding of R&D and R&D components of agency programs. R&D data are classified into federal budget function categories, such as Defense, Health, Space, and Energy.
National Patterns of R&D Resources.

National Patterns of R&D Resources

Review trend data on overall research and development efforts in the United States. Information includes R&D expenditures by sector of performance, source of funds, character of R&D work, R&D-to-GDP ratios, and international comparisons.
Academic Institution Profiles.

Academic Institution Profiles

Search individual institution profiles to view selected data on doctorates, graduate students, and funding and expenditures. Profiles and corresponding data are based on data collections from four NCSES surveys.


Explore NCSES surveys for a detailed description and links to related data, reports, collections, and products.
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Survey Resources

Schedule of Release Dates

See the release schedule for NCSES data and products.


NCSES policy requires the correction of substantive errors in its content. Corrections posted since August 2010 available here.

Public Use Files

Access microdata files and documentation available for public use.

Definitions & Resources


Find definitions to commonly used terms within our methodologies and data tools.

Master Government List of Federally Funded R&D Centers

Explore the list of federally funded R&D centers, current as of February 2024.


Search by category to find answers to commonly asked questions. 