Full-Time Master’s Student Enrollment in Science, Engineering, and Health

NCSES 24-206


September 4, 2024

Latest visualizations from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics using data from the Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering 2017–22 on full-time master’s student enrollment by sex, citizenship, and field of study.


Mike Yamaner

Senior Analyst

Science, Technology, and Innovation Survey Management Section

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics


30 September 2024:

The text of this product has been corrected to change the end year from 2022 to 2020 in the following sentence: “During the COVID pandemic, the number of temporary visa holders enrolled first-time, full-time as master’s students in SEH sank from 28,568 to 12,678 for men and fell from 19,042 to 9,703 for women between 2019 and 2020.” The figure beneath this text is unaffected.

NCSES 24-206


September 4, 2024