Male Majority-Owned Microbusinesses Performed 80% of Domestic R&D Costs

NSF 23-334


May 24, 2023

Distribution of R&D costs performed by companies with 1–9 employees, by sex of primary owners: 2020
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Distribution of R&D costs performed by companies with 1–9 employees, by sex of primary owners: 2020

Sex of primary owner Percent
Female majority owned 9
Male majority owned 80
Equally owned by male and female 5
Unclassifiable 6

Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Statistics are representative of companies located in the United States that performed or funded R&D.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and Census Bureau, 2021 Annual Business Survey: Data Year 2020.

In 2020, U.S. microbusinesses (businesses with one to nine employees) performed $5.6 billion of domestic research and development (R&D) (see NSF 23-305). Male majority-owned microbusinesses performed 80%, or $4.5 billion, of the $5.6 billion in R&D domestic performance costs. Female majority-owned microbusinesses accounted for 9%, or $517 million, of the total. Microbusinesses that were equally owned by men and women accounted for 5%, or $293 million, of domestic microbusiness R&D performance.

Suggested citation: Kindlon A; National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2023. Male Majority-Owned Microbusinesses Performed 80% of Domestic R&D Costs. NSF 23-334. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at

NSF 23-334


May 24, 2023

NSF 23-334


May 24, 2023

About the Survey