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Showing out of 183 results found
  • Figure

    Over 50% of FFRDC FY 2021 R&D Spending Was in Two States

    FFRDCs, by state and total R&D expenditures: FY 2021

    Federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) in California and New Mexico account for more than half ($13.2 billion) of the $24.9 billion in total R&D expenditures at FFRDCs in FY 2021. The remaining $11.8 billion (47.2%) of FY 2021 FFRDC R&D occurred across 17 states. Virginia had ...

  • Analysis | InfoChart

    Over 50% of FFRDC FY 2021 R&D Spending Was in Two States

    Over 50% of FFRDC FY 2021 R&D Spending Was in Two States

    Federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) in California and New Mexico account for more than half ($13.2 billion) of the $24.9 billion in total R&D expenditures at FFRDCs in FY 2021. In New Mexico, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored two FFRDCs focusing on national secu...

  • Analysis | InfoBrief

    Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 6% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2021

    Expenditure Trends at Specific FFRDCs

    The majority of FFRDCs (33 centers) increased R&D spending in FY 2021 compared with FY 2020, with 6 centers reporting an increase greater than 27.0% (table 3). Nine FFRDCs reported more than $1 billion each (a combined $17.2 billion) in R&D expenditures for FY 2021—the NASA-sponsored Jet Propulsi...

  • Analysis | InfoBrief

    Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 6% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2021

    Expenditures by Type of R&D

    In FY 2021, basic research activities accounted for 20.1% of total FFRDC R&D expenditures (table 4). The remaining R&D expenditures were divided evenly between applied research and experimental development (39.9% each). Overall, total basic research expenditures at FFRDCs increased by $910 millio...

  • Analysis | InfoBrief

    Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 6% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2021

    Federal Agency Sources of R&D Funding

    Four agencies were responsible for 91.3% of federally funded R&D expenditures at FFRDCs: the Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Defense (DOD), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (table 2). DOE ($13.0 billion) accounted fo...

  • Analysis | InfoBrief

    Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 6% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2021

    Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 6% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2021

    The nation’s 43 federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) spent $24.9 billion on research and development in FY 2021, an annual increase of 6.0% in current dollars (table 1). The federal government’s share of support reached $24.5 billion in FY 2021 and represented a 5.9% increas...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 6% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2021

    Federally financed R&D expenditures at federally funded research and development centers, by federal agency and FFRDC: FY 2021

    This InfoBrief provides current data on the United States’ 43 federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs), privately operated research and development organizations that are exclusively or substantially financed by the federal government. In FY 2021, these FFRDCs spent $24.9 billio...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Individual)

    FFRDC Research and Development Survey 2021 | Data Tables

    Federally financed R&D expenditures at federally funded research and development centers, by federal agency and FFRDC: FY 2021

    These tables provide data on R&D expenditures for federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs). Expenditures data are displayed for individual FFRDCs by source of funding and type of R&D. Data are from the FY 2021 FFRDC Research and Development Survey, by the National Center for Sci...

  • Data Tables | Data Tables (Package)

    FFRDC Research and Development Survey 2021

    General Notes

    This report provides data from the 2021 Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Research and Development Survey. This survey is the primary source of information on separately accounted R&D expenditures at FFRDCs in the United States. Conducted annually for university-administere...

  • Analysis | InfoBrief

    Federally Funded R&D Centers Report 6% Increase in R&D Spending in FY 2021

    R&D by Funding Source

    FFRDCs are privately operated R&D organizations that are exclusively or substantially financed by the federal government. The federal government funded 98.4% ($24.5 billion) of FFRDC R&D expenditures in FY 2021 (table 1). Nonfederal sources funded the remaining R&D, totaling about $411.8 million,...