

SESTAT is the Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System. SESTAT was established in 1993 and comprised of three workforce surveys from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics within the U.S. National Science Foundation. This integrated data system is a unique source of longitudinal information on the education and employment of the college-educated U.S. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce. It was integrated through 2013.

Areas of Interest


SESTAT source data are collected through the following surveys:

The NSCG is the core of SESTAT and covers the entire college graduate population residing in the United States. It provides information on individuals educated or employed in S&E fields as well as those educated or employed in non-S&E fields. The SDR further supplements SESTAT with the stock and inflow of U.S.-degreed doctoral-level scientists and engineers. Through 2010, the NSRCG supplemented SESTAT with the inflow of U.S.-degreed bachelor's- and master's-level scientists and engineers. Under a new design in 2013, the NSCG began capturing the population surveyed by the NSRCG and eliminated the need for a separate survey for this population. Learn about the redesign of SESTAT.

SESTAT data are available for download or through the SESTAT Data Tool, which allows users to generate their own data tables. In addition to data files of the individual SESTAT surveys, the integrated SESTAT data files are available approximately biennially for the period of 1993–2013. For information on how to apply to access restricted use data from SESTAT, please visit our Restricted Use Data Licensing page. 


The Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT) comprises three demographic surveys of scientists and engineers sponsored by sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG), the National Survey of Recent College Graduates (NSRCG), and the Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR). The three component surveys used similar questionnaires, survey reference dates, data collection periods, and data-processing procedures to facilitate integration for SESTAT. The three surveys were designed to provide maximum coverage of the target population—namely, scientists and engineers—with special emphasis given to relatively rare populations (e.g., doctorate recipients, recent graduates, and minorities). Overall, SESTAT provides a comprehensive picture of the number and characteristics of individuals in the United States with a bachelor's or higher-level degree and their employment, with a focus on those having science and engineering (S&E) degrees or working in S&E occupations. In the 2000s, this definition was expanded to include S&E-related degrees and occupations.


Starting in 2013, SESTAT consolidated the number of demographic surveys. SESTAT now includes data from the SDR and the NSCG and no longer reports data from the NSRCG. The NSRCG was discontinued after the 2010 survey because estimates of recent college graduates are now available through the the NSCG.

Reasons for the change. A major impetus for this decision was the availability of the American Community Survey (ACS) as a sampling frame for the NSCG. NCSES leveraged the use of ACS to add a large number of young graduates to the NSCG sample, which then offset the need to conduct the NSRCG. The decision to redesign SESTAT was also based on the limited use of the the NSRCG as a stand-alone data file and the cost savings associated with discontinuing the NSRCG and simplifying the SESTAT integration processes.

Collection of feedback from the S&E communityNCSES conducted extensive outreach efforts with a broad audience, including, but not limited to, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Association for Institutional Research, Association of American Medical Colleges, Association of American Universities, Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering, Council of Graduate Schools, NCSES Human Resources Experts Panel, National Center for Education Statistics, Census Bureau, and NSF. NCSES did receive feedback that the NSRCG data related to educational pathways and to financial burden was valuable to the community. Thus, NCSES added young graduates to the NSCG sample and added questions to the NSCG on community college attendance and financial sources of support.

Evaluation of the potential changes. NCSES evaluated the redesign of SESTAT in regard to improving timeliness, quality, and efficiency and to reducing overall survey costs. The decision to examine whether SESTAT should be redesigned was motivated in part by a Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) recommendation from a 2008 report on Using the American Community Survey for the National Science Foundation's Science and Engineering Workforce Statistics Programs. This CNSTAT recommendation encouraged NSF to use the opportunity provided by the introduction of the ACS to reconsider the SESTAT design.

Background. Since 1993, SESTAT has provided a unique source of information on the education and employment of the college-educated U.S. S&E workforce by integrating three surveys: NSCG, NSRCG, and SDR. The establishment of SESTAT design was based on recommendations from a 1989 CNSTAT panel study report, Surveying the Nation's Scientists and Engineers—A Data System for the 1990s. This CNSTAT recommendation encouraged NSF to target the population of college graduates trained in S&E fields and those with employment in S&E occupations, to conduct the postcensal survey of college graduates, to conduct a survey for new graduating bachelor's or master's degree recipients, and to continue to support the ongoing SDR. The 2010 survey cycle introduced the first redesign of SESTAT during its nearly 20 years of existence.

SESTAT Frequently Asked Questions

SESTAT is a comprehensive and integrated system of information about the employment, educational, and demographic characteristics of scientists and engineers in the United States. It covers those with a bachelor's degree or higher who either work in or are educated in S&E, although some data on individuals who are not scientists or engineers are also included.

SESTAT was created by NSF to provide data for policy analysis and general research. SESTAT contains data from three NSF-sponsored demographic surveys: NSCG, NSRCG, and SDR. Data beginning with the 1993 surveys are available as public use files or through the SESTAT Data Tool, which allows users to generate custom data tables from individual or integrated survey data.

What is SESTAT?

SESTAT is the Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System. It is composed of information about the employment, educational, and demographic characteristics of scientists and engineers in the United States from three demographic surveys sponsored by NSF: the National Survey of College Graduates, the National Survey of Recent College Graduates (discontinued after 2010), and the Survey of Doctorate Recipients. SESTAT was created by NSF to provide data for policy analysis and general research. Data are available for download as public use files or through the SESTAT Data Tool, which allows users to generate custom data tables.

What types of data are available?

Labor Force Information
For the employed
  • Primary job and salary during reference week
  • Type of employer and job
  • Reasons for changing employer or job (if primary job during reference week is different from current job)
  • Full-time or part-time status, including reasons for part-time employment
  • Previous retirement (if any)
  • Type of employer: educational institution (by type), private for profit, private not for profit, or government
  • Self-employment
  • Supervisory responsibility, including number of employees typically supervised directly and through subordinates
  • Relationship between work and education (highest degree), including reasons for employment outside the degree field
  • Primary and secondary work activities
  • Licensing or certification held, if required or recommended
  • U.S. government funding for work, including supporting agencies or departments
  • Second job, including occupation, salary, and relationship between work and education
For the unemployed and those not in the labor force
  • Reasons for not working during the reference week
  • Date last worked
  • Job last worked
Professional activities
  • Membership in professional societies and associations
  • First bachelor’s degree and two most recent degrees: level, degree field (major and minor), and date degree was awarded
  • Earlier education: date high school diploma and Associate’s degree was awarded (if applicable)
  • Continuing education: post-degree college courses, reasons for taking courses, field of study, and employer financing
  • Work-related training: types of work-related training and reasons for training activities
Other Information
Family related
  • Marital status
  • Spouse's employment status; if spouse is working full time or part time, technical expertise required on job
  • Children living at home (and ages)
  • Parents' educational attainment
  • Citizenship status
  • Age
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Sex
  • Disability or functional limitations
  • Country of birth

How is the confidentiality of the data preserved?

NSF pledges confidentiality to each survey respondent. Data collected are subject to the provisions of the Confidentiality Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002. SESTAT protects respondent confidentiality through a variety of means. Not all data collected in SESTAT are available in public use formats.

Who is included in the definition of "scientist" and "engineer" for SESTAT?

In SESTAT, scientists and engineers are defined as either those who received a college degree (bachelor's or higher) in an S&E or S&E-related field or those who work as a scientist or engineer or in an S&E-related occupation and have a bachelor's degree or higher in any field. Examples of degree fields and occupations are listed below.
Degree Fields
  • Computer and mathematical sciences
  • Biological, agricultural, and environmental life sciences
  • Physical sciences
    • Physics, chemistry, geosciences
  • Social Sciences
    • Psychology, economics, political science
  • Engineering
S&E related
  • Health
    • Medicine, audiology, nursing, physical therapy
  • Science and math teacher education
  • Technology and technical fields
    • Engineering technology
  • Other S&E-related fields
    • Actuarial science, architectural or environmental design
  • Management, administration, sales, marketing
  • Education (except science and math teacher education)
  • Social services
    • Religion, theology, social work
  • Arts and humanities
    • Visual and performing arts, history
  • Other non-S&E fields
    • Law, journalism
  • Computer and mathematical scientists
  • Biological, agricultural, and environmental life scientists
  • Physical scientists
    • Physicist, chemists, geologists
  • Social scientists
    • Psychologists, economists, sociologists
  • Engineers
  • Postsecondary teachers in S&E fields
S&E related
  • Health care workers
    • Physicians, audiologists, nurses
  • S&E managers
    • Engineering managers, natural and social science managers
  • S&E precollege teachers
    • Science teachers, math teachers
  • Technologists and technicians in S&E
  • Other S&E-related occupations
    • Actuaries, architects
  • Non-S&E managers
    • Education administrators, top-level executives
  • Management-related occupations
    • Accountants, financial specialists
  • Non-S&E precollege and postsecondary teachers
  • Social services occupations
  • Arts and humanities occupations
  • Other non-S&E occupations
    • Lawyers, laborers

Where can I find the survey instruments?

The SESTAT survey questionnaires are available at

Where can I find tables containing SESTAT data and other scientist and engineer labor force data?

What can I do with the SESTAT Data Tool?

The SESTAT Data Tool gives users the ability to generate customized data tables and view technical documentation.

How do I access the SESTAT Data Tool?

The SESTAT Data Tool is available at

Where can I find instructions on the SESTAT data and the SESTAT data tool?

The SESTAT Data Tool provides instructions for logging on and assistance in using the built in Help features, table generation, and the public use data.

What is the suggested citation for SESTAT data?

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT), [year]. Available at

Data Collection Contact

For additional information about this data collection or the methodology, contact

(703) 292-8780
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite W14200
Alexandria, VA 22314