Federal Funding to University Affiliated Research Centers Totaled $1.5 Billion in FY 2021

Christopher V. Pece

NSF 24-315


January 16, 2024

Federal obligations for R&D to higher education institutions with University Affiliated Research Centers: FY 2021
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Federal obligations for R&D to higher education institutions with University Affiliated Research Centers: FY 2021

(Millions of dollars)
Higher education institution Amount to university for non-UARC Amount to university for UARC
Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Research Institute 296 50
Johns Hopkins U., Applied Physics Laboratory 986 831
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies 335 108
Pennsylvania State U., Applied Research Laboratory 379 129
Stevens Institute of Technology, Systems Engineering Research Center 11 10
U. Alaska, Fairbanks, Geophysical Detection of Nuclear Proliferation 88 5
U. California, Santa Barbara, Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies 162 70
U. Hawaii, Manoa, Applied Research Laboratory 100 16
U. Maryland College Park, Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security 253 46
U. Nebraska, National Strategic Research Institute 180 17
U. Southern California, Institute for Creative Technologies 471 14
U. Texas at Austin, Applied Research Laboratories 224 106
U. Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory 744 44
Utah State U., Space Dynamics Laboratory 48 67

UARC = University Affiliated Research Center.


Because of rounding, detail may not add to total. FY 2021 obligations include additional funding provided by supplemental COVID-19 pandemic-related appropriations (e.g., Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security [CARES] Act).


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development, FYs 2021–22.

In FY 2021, 14 higher education institutions had a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC). New data collected on federal agency obligations to UARCs show that although obligations for R&D to these 14 institutions totaled $5.8 billion, $1.5 billion (26%) was directed to their UARCs. UARCs are nonprofit research organizations affiliated with a university and have a set of core competencies that are tailored to the long-term needs of the Department of Defense. As part of a FY 2021 survey redesign, newly collected data from federal agencies show the amounts to individual UARCs varies from as much as $831 million for the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab to $5 million for the University of Alaska Geophysical Detection of Nuclear Proliferation. For more details see tables 44–46 in the full set of latest data tables from the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D.

Suggested Citation: Pece CV; National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2024. Funding to University Affiliated Research Centers Totaled $1.5 Billion in FY 2021. NSF 24-315. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at https://ncses.nsf.gov/pubs/nsf24315.

NSF 24-315


January 16, 2024

Christopher V. Pece

NSF 24-315


January 16, 2024

About the Survey