Six States Perform Around 90% of Semiconductor Business R&D, Led by California

Francisco Moris and Alexander Rhodes

NSF 24-329


July 9, 2024

Company-funded domestic R&D performance by semiconductor and other electronic components manufacturing industry, by selected states: 2021
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Company-funded domestic R&D performance by semiconductor and other electronic components manufacturing industry, by selected states: 2021

State Percent
California 51
Oregon 15
Arizona 8
Texas 8
Idaho 3
Massachusetts 3
All other states 12

Data are for domestic R&D paid for and performed by companies with 10 or more domestic employees that performed or funded $50,000 or more of R&D. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Industry classification is based on the dominant business code for domestic R&D performance.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and Census Bureau, Business Enterprise Research and Development Survey, 2021. Available at

U.S. research and development (R&D) performed by the semiconductor and other electronic components manufacturing industry (NAICS 3344) reached $47.4 billion in 2021, an increase of 9.8% from 2020 in current dollars (see NSB-2024-6 for definitions and historical data). Of this amount, $45.5 billion was R&D paid for and performed by the company. California performed by far the most company-funded U.S. semiconductor business R&D among states at $23 billion, or 51% of total. The next five states, which include Oregon, Arizona, and Texas, had a combined share of 38%. For related regional production data by computer manufacturing and other knowledge- and technology-intensive (KTI) industries, see the sidebar Geography of Domestic KTI Production in NSB-2024-7.

Suggested citation: Moris F and Rhodes A; National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2024. Six States Perform Around 90% of Semiconductor Business R&D, Led by California. NSF 24-329. Alexandria, VA: U.S. National Science Foundation. Available at

NSF 24-329


July 9, 2024

Francisco Moris and Alexander Rhodes

NSF 24-329


July 9, 2024

About the Survey