Graduate Enrollment and Postdoctoral Appointments in Science, Engineering, and Health Rise, Driven Largely by Increases in the Number of Women and Temporary Visa Holders

NSF 25-316


January 21, 2025

Between 2022 and 2023, the enrollment of graduate students in science, engineering, and health (SEH) fields continued its multi-year increase. The combined total of full-time and part-time students in master’s and doctoral degree SEH programs increased by 2.4%, from 798,534 in 2022 to 818,095 in 2023. Full-time SEH master’s degree enrollment in 2023 was 329,971, whereas full-time doctoral degree enrollment was 268,617 (table 1). The number of postdoctoral appointees (postdocs) rose 4.9% between 2022 and 2023, from 62,750 to 65,850, a recovery in counts following several years of consistent decline. These and other findings in this report are from the 2023 Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS). Data from the GSS provides insight into the composition of the current and future science and engineering (S&E) workforce by collecting data on graduate students, postdocs, and doctorate-holding nonfaculty researchers (NFRs) in SEH fields. This survey is funded by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the U.S. National Science Foundation and by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Enrollment of master’s students and doctoral students in science, engineering, and health, by enrollment intensity, sex, citizenship status, race, and ethnicity: 2019–23

(Number and percent change)

a Race and ethnicity data are available for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering.

Temporary Visa Holders

Much of the increases in the overall SEH graduate student enrollment noted above were driven by students with temporary visas. The enrollment of temporary visa holders in SEH full-time master’s and doctoral programs increased between 2022 and 2023 (figure 1 and table 1). Among temporary visa holders enrolled full time, there was a 14,994 (9.9%) increase in master’s students and a 6,473 (5.9%) increase in doctoral students during this period. First-time, full-time enrollment of students with temporary visas increased 3,396 (4.5%) for master’s students and 2,546 (12.3%) for doctoral students between 2022 and 2023.

Enrollment of master's and doctoral students in science, engineering, and health fields, by citizenship status and enrollment type: 2019–23
Keyboard instructions

Enrollment of master's and doctoral students in science, engineering, and health fields, by citizenship status and enrollment type: 2019–23

Year Temporary visa holders, part time Temporary visa holders, full time Temporary visa holders, first time, full time U.S. citizens and permanent residents, part time U.S. citizens and permanent residents, full time U.S. citizens and permanent residents, first time, full time
2019 20,516 100,342 47,610 133,180 154,190 68,897
2020 24,080 76,093 22,381 146,539 167,766 79,715
2021 20,816 108,142 64,825 158,843 178,812 82,441
2022 28,348 150,958 74,913 153,345 168,660 72,404
2023 31,305 165,952 78,309 149,590 164,019 75,236
Year Temporary visa holders, part time Temporary visa holders, full time Temporary visa holders, first time, full time U.S. citizens and permanent residents, part time U.S. citizens and permanent residents, full time U.S. citizens and permanent residents, first time, full time
2019 8,652 104,103 19,348 25,327 143,807 27,177
2020 9,861 100,728 13,429 25,818 146,928 27,744
2021 9,271 106,330 19,155 27,403 150,539 27,515
2022 9,395 109,534 20,658 28,145 150,149 26,758
2023 9,023 116,007 23,204 29,589 152,610 27,049

Graduate student data in this table include master's students in health sciences. For more information on the survey fields and comparability of these counts to other data from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, see the survey's "Technical Notes" and table A-17 at


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering.

Among temporary visa holders in SEH, female graduate enrollment at both the master’s and doctoral levels grew slightly faster than male graduate enrollment. Specifically, part-time master’s enrollment for temporary visa holders between 2022 and 2023 increased by 1,681 (9.6%) for men, compared with 1,276 (11.8%) for women (table 1). Similarly, full-time enrollment in master’s programs for temporary visa holders increased by 8,705 (9.4%) for men, compared with 6,289 (10.8%) for women. For doctoral enrollments of temporary visa holders between 2022 and 2023, part-time enrollment decreased by 43 (1.2%) for women and by 329 (5.5%) for men; however, full-time enrollment increased by 3,055 (7.4%) for women and 3,418 (5.0%) for men.

U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents

Graduate SEH enrollment of U.S. citizens and permanent residents decreased overall between 2022 and 2023, although these numbers are still higher than they were in 2019. Among master’s students, there was a decline of 3,755 (2.4%) between 2022 and 2023 for part-time enrollment and a decline of 4,641 (2.8%) for full-time enrollment (table 1). First-time, full-time master’s enrollment for this group increased by 2,832 (3.9%) over this period. The trends among doctoral students who were U.S. citizens and permanent residents differed. In this group, part-time doctoral enrollment rose by 1,444 (5.1%), whereas full-time doctoral enrollment increased by 2,461 (1.6%).

Demographics of Postdocs

The rise in postdoctoral appointments resulted mainly from an increase in postdocs with temporary visas (table 3). Between 2022 and 2023, there was an increase of 2,688 (7.6%) in temporary visa–holding postdocs, and between 2019 and 2023, there was an increase of 1,354 (3.7%). There were also notable sex differences in these trends. Although male postdocs holding temporary visas increased by 1,342 (6.2%) between 2022 and 2023, there were 466 (2%) fewer male temporary visa–holding postdocs in 2023 than there were in 2019. In contrast, the number of female postdocs with temporary visas increased by 1,346 (9.8%) since 2022 and by 1,820 (13.8%) since 2019. In 2023, there were more female postdocs on temporary visas than male U.S. citizens and permanent residents or female U.S. citizens and permanent residents (figure 2).

Postdoc employment, by sex and citizenship status: 2019–23
Keyboard instructions

Postdoc employment, by sex and citizenship status: 2019–23

Year Male U.S. citizens and permanent residents Female U.S. citizens and permanent residents Male temporary visa holders Female temporary visa holders
2019 15,570 13,882 23,603 13,192
2020 15,579 14,311 22,660 13,131
2021 15,480 14,275 21,040 12,533
2022 14,247 13,042 21,791 13,670
2023 14,321 13,380 23,137 15,012

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering.

The number of U.S. citizen and permanent resident postdocs increased slightly by 412 (1.5%) from 2022 to 2023 but declined by 1,751 (5.9%) since 2019 (table 3). Proportionally, there were more postdocs who held temporary visas in 2019 (55.5%) and in 2023 (57.9%) than U.S. citizens and permanent residents in the same years (45.5% and 42.1%, respectively).

Field of Research

From 2022 to 2023, postdoctoral appointments increased by 1,309 (3.6%) in science, 716 (8.6%) in engineering, and 1,075 (6.1%) in health (table 4). Several broad fields had notable 1-year changes. In science fields, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary sciences postdocs increased by 148 (17.6%), agricultural and veterinary sciences postdocs increased by 288 (16.9%), and computer and information sciences postdocs increased by 128 (14.9%). In engineering fields, chemical, petroleum, and chemical-related engineering saw a 262 (21.1%) increase in postdocs, whereas industrial, manufacturing, systems engineering, and operations research saw a 27 postdoc (18.9%) increase. All other broad fields either rose as well or remained stable, including both health fields.

In 2023, the two largest fields for postdocs were biological and biomedical sciences with 19,520 postdocs and clinical medicine with 16,393. These are the only two fields employing more than 10,000 postdocs; together, they accounted for 54.5% of all postdoctoral employment. Between 2019 and 2023, biological and biomedical sciences declined by 2,327 postdocs (10.7%), and clinical medicine fell by 257 (1.5%). However, in the most recent year, from 2022 and 2023, biological and biomedical sciences postdocs remained stable, whereas clinical medicine postdoc counts increased by 763 postdocs (4.9%).

Over the period from 2019 to 2023, NFR employment increased by 3,993 (13.2%), and between 2022 and 2023, it rose by 2,063 (6.4%) (table 4). Between 2022 and 2023, computer and information sciences experienced the largest 1-year percentage increase at 24.5%, or 124 NFRs. Additionally, clinical medicine had the largest numeric increase rising by 447 NFRs (6.1%). Similar to postdoc appointments, biological and biomedical sciences remain the largest field for NFR employment, with 8,589 NFRs reported. This is followed closely by clinical health NFRs, which totaled 7,798 in 2023. Together, these two fields comprise 47.7% of all SEH NFR employment.

Data Sources and Limitations

Conducted since 1966, the GSS is an annual survey of all academic institutions in the United States that grant research-based master’s or doctoral degrees in SEH fields. The 2023 GSS collected data from 22,802 organizational units (departments, programs, affiliated research centers, and health care facilities) at 687 eligible institutions and their affiliates in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Guam. The unit response rate was 97.8%. An overview of the survey is available at the survey homepage.

In 2020, the GSS amended its taxonomy to align with a revised NCSES Taxonomy of Disciplines (TOD) and 2020 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). As such, these changes did not lead to a large shift in overall reported GSS counts, and data remain comparable to data from 2017 to 2019. Additionally, new CIP codes, such as data science and medical clinical sciences, were added, along with other codes in GSS-eligible series; although these CIP codes are newly eligible, a review of unit names from prior years indicates that many of them were being reported prior to 2020. Some additional adjustments to allow for additional detail in some fields were made to the GSS taxonomy based on the 2020 CIP codes reported to GSS. Finally, similar to science and health, broad fields were added to engineering.

At the field level, some notable changes may impact trends. First, consistent with the 2020 CIP and TOD, veterinary biomedical and clinical sciences moved from the health sciences to agricultural sciences (which was then renamed agricultural and veterinary sciences). Human development is now reported under psychology rather than under social sciences, to align with the 2020 TOD. Finally, 22 new 2020 CIP codes were added to multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary sciences; the addition of these CIP codes likely moved units that were already reported (i.e., many units named data science are now reported with new CIP codes that map to the new data science and data analytics GSS code). For more information about the 2020 GSS taxonomy change, see the technical tables: tables A-17, A-18a, and A-18b (

GSS health fields are collected under the advisement of NIH. These GSS fields are about a third of all health fields in the Department of Education’s CIP taxonomy. NIH information on trends seen within these selected health fields can be found at

The full set of data tables from the 2023 survey is available at Data are also available in NCSES’s interactive data tool ( For more information about the survey, contact the Survey Manager, Michael I. Yamaner.

NCSES has reviewed this product for unauthorized disclosure of confidential information and approved its release (NCSES-DRN24-043).


1For more information, see the full set of data tables: table 4-3.

2Other engineering includes agricultural engineering; engineering mechanics; physics; and science, nuclear engineering, and engineering not elsewhere classified.

3For more information, see the full set of data tables: table 1-11b.

Suggested Citation

Smith B, Arbeit CA, Thompson H, Yamaner MI; National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2024. Graduate Enrollment and Postdoctoral Appointments in Science, Engineering, and Health Rise, Driven Largely by Increases in the Number of Women and Temporary Visa Holders. NSF 25-316. Alexandria, VA: U.S. National Science Foundation. Available at

Contact Us

Report Author(s)

Bethany Smith
KEN Consulting, Inc., under subcontract to RTI International

Caren A. Arbeit
RTI International, under contract to NCSES

Herbert Thompson
KEN Consulting, Inc., under subcontract to RTI International

Michael I. Yamaner
Survey Manager
Tel: (703) 292-7815


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
U.S. National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite W14200
Alexandria, VA 22314
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NSF 25-316


January 21, 2025

NSF 25-316


January 21, 2025

Data Tool About the Survey