Most U.S.-Trained Science and Engineering Doctorate Recipients on Temporary Visas Remain in the United States

NSF 25-325


February 24, 2025

Residence of 2017–19 U.S. S&E doctorate recipients on temporary visas, by region, country, or economy of origin: 2023
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Residence of 2017–19 U.S. S&E doctorate recipients on temporary visas, by region, country, or economy of origin: 2023

Region, country, or economy of origin and 2023 residence Total
China, all 15,800
China, U.S. residence 13,150
China, non-U.S. residence 2,700
India, all 5,750
India, U.S. residence 4,950
India, non-U.S. residence 800
South Korea, all 2,550
South Korea, U.S. residence 1,300
South Korea, non-U.S. residence 1,300
Turkey, all 1,350
Turkey, U.S. residence 700
Turkey, non-U.S. residence 650
Taiwan, all 1,150
Taiwan, U.S. residence 750
Taiwan, non-U.S. residence 350
Other countries in Asia, all 4,200
Other countries in Asia, U.S. residence 2,600
Other countries in Asia, non-U.S. residence 1,600
Middle East, all 4,050
Middle East, U.S. residence 2,900
Middle East, non-U.S. residence 1,150
Europe, excluding Turkey, all 3,250
Europe, excluding Turkey, U.S. residence 2,200
Europe, excluding Turkey, non-U.S. residence 1,050
Africa, all 1,800
Africa, U.S. residence 1,350
Africa, non-U.S. residence 450
All other regions, all 4,550
All other regions, U.S. residence 2,750
All other regions, non-U.S. residence 1,800

S&E = science and engineering.


Numbers are rounded to the nearest 50. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Calculations of stay rates are based on unrounded estimates. China includes Hong Kong. All other regions includes Australia-Oceania, Central America and the Caribbean, North America excluding the United States, and South America.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2023, and Survey of Earned Doctorates, 2017–19.

Foreign-born talent is an important component of the nation’s science and engineering (S&E) enterprise. Roughly three-quarters of the S&E doctorate recipients on temporary visas who received their degrees from U.S. higher education institutions from 2017 to 2019 remained in the United States approximately 5 years after graduation, defined here as the short-term stay rate. Specifically, 32,650 (73%) of 44,450 temporary visa holders who received S&E doctorates from U.S. institutions during this period still resided in the United States in 2023. China and India were by far the most common countries of origin, accounting for 36% (15,800) and 13% (5,750), respectively, of all S&E doctorate recipients on temporary visas. The short-term stay rates for S&E doctorate recipients from China (83%) and India (86%) were significantly higher than the average across all countries of origin (73%). Individuals from South Korea (50%), Turkey (53%), and Taiwan (68%) had significantly lower short-term stay rates than did those from China and India. Other countries in Asia collectively accounted for 9% of all S&E doctorate recipients on temporary visas. The Middle East region accounted for 9% of the total, followed by Europe (7%, excluding Turkey) and Africa (4%). Short-term stay rates for doctorate recipients from the Middle East (72%), Europe (68%, excluding Turkey), and Africa (75%) were not significantly different from one another.

Residence of 2017–19 U.S. S&E doctorate recipients on temporary visas, by region, country, or economy of origin: 2023

(Number and percent)

S&E = science and engineering.


Numbers are rounded to the nearest 50. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Calculations of stay rates are based on unrounded estimates. China includes Hong Kong. All other regions includes Australia-Oceania, Central America and the Caribbean, North America excluding the United States, and South America.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2023, and Survey of Earned Doctorates, 2017–19.

The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) has reviewed this product for unauthorized disclosure of confidential information and approved its release (NCSES-FY24-011).

Suggested citation: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2025. Most U.S.-Trained Science and Engineering Doctorate Recipients on Temporary Visas Remain in the United States. NSF 25-325. Alexandria, VA: U.S. National Science Foundation. Available at

NSF 25-325


February 24, 2025


1The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics estimates both short-term and long-term stay rates. Long-term stay rates are based on individuals who remain in the United States approximately 10 years after graduation.

NSF 25-325


February 24, 2025