Inflation-Adjusted Federal Budget Authority for R&D Totals $151 Billion in FY 2025 Proposed Budget

NSF 25-311


December 5, 2024

Federal funding for R&D, by budget function: FYs 1961–2025
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Federal funding for R&D, by budget function: FYs 1961–2025

(Constant 2017 $billions)
Fiscal year Total for all budget functions National defense Health General science and basic research Space flight Energy All other functions
1961 58 45 3 1 5 2 2
1962 65 46 3 1 9 3 2
1963 78 48 4 2 18 3 3
1964 88 48 4 2 26 4 3
1965 89 45 5 2 30 4 3
1966 91 45 5 2 30 3 4
1967 95 49 5 2 28 3 7
1968 89 46 6 2 24 4 7
1969 83 44 6 2 20 3 7
1970 78 40 5 2 18 3 8
1971 75 39 6 2 15 3 10
1972 76 41 7 3 13 3 9
1973 74 40 7 3 12 3 9
1974 71 37 8 3 11 3 9
1975 71 36 8 3 10 5 8
1976 72 36 8 3 11 6 8
1977 76 38 9 3 9 8 8
1978 79 39 9 3 9 10 9
1979 79 39 10 3 9 10 9
1980 77 39 10 3 7 9 9
1981 79 43 9 3 7 8 8
1982 80 49 9 3 6 7 7
1983 82 53 9 3 5 5 7
1984 90 60 10 3 5 5 7
1985 98 66 11 4 5 5 7
1986 103 71 11 4 6 4 7
1987 108 74 12 4 6 4 7
1988 108 73 13 4 7 4 7
1989 109 71 14 4 8 4 8
1990 108 68 14 4 10 5 8
1991 108 64 15 4 11 5 9
1992 109 64 16 4 11 5 9
1993 109 64 16 4 11 4 9
1994 104 58 17 4 11 4 10
1995 103 56 17 4 12 4 10
1996 101 55 17 4 12 4 9
1997 103 57 18 4 11 3 9
1998 105 57 19 6 12 1 9
1999 109 58 22 7 12 2 9
2000 108 59 25 7 7 1 9
2001 117 61 28 7 8 2 10
2002 129 70 31 8 8 2 10
2003 146 82 34 8 10 2 11
2004 155 88 36 8 10 2 11
2005 156 91 35 8 9 2 11
2006 157 93 34 8 10 1 10
2007 160 95 34 9 10 2 9
2008 159 96 33 9 9 2 9
2009 175 96 45 13 8 4 9
2010 163 96 35 10 9 3 10
2011 156 91 34 10 9 2 9
2012 152 85 34 10 11 2 9
2013 138 74 32 9 11 2 9
2014 138 73 32 10 11 2 9
2015 139 74 31 10 11 3 9
2016 150 81 33 10 13 4 9
2017 125 57 34 10 10 4 10
2018 138 67 36 10 10 4 10
2019 140 69 37 11 10 4 10
2020 155 75 42 11 13 4 10
2021 145 71 37 11 11 4 10
2022 154 72 39 11 12 5 15
2023 158 83 39 11 9 5 11
2024 preliminary 158 84 38 11 9 6 10
2025 proposed 151 76 39 11 8 6 11

Gross domestic product implicit price deflators (2017 = 1.00000) were used to adjust current dollars for inflation. Data for 1961–77 are obligations; 1978–2025 are budget authority. The federal fiscal year cycle changed in FY 1977, from 1 July–30 June to the current 1 October–30 September cycle; no data were collected for the 3-month period of July–September 1976. FYs 2009–10 obligations include additional funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Beginning in FY 2016, development obligations were more narrowly defined as "experimental development,” most notably excluding Department of Defense Budget Activity 7 (Operational System Development); thus, data from FY 2016 on are not directly comparable with prior years. FYs 2020–22 obligations include supplemental COVID-19 pandemic-related appropriations. FY 2024 data reflect early-March 2024 annualized continuing resolution funding levels. For more on data comparability, see NSF 24-310 Table 24.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Federal R&D Funding, by Budget Function: FYs 2023–25.

Annual budget authority, primarily in the form of congressional appropriations, allows federal agencies to enter into obligations that will result in outlays. The president’s budget proposal and congressional budget resolutions classify federal budget activities into functional categories that represent major purposes, such as Agriculture, Energy, National defense, and Transportation. These functions include all federal funding for that purpose, regardless of agency. For example, the National defense function includes not only Department of Defense military activities but also national security activities from the Departments of Energy, Justice, and Homeland Security. The federal government designates funds for research and development (R&D) within these functions to help foster knowledge and innovation. Adjusted for inflation, the FY 2025 proposed budget authority for R&D declined $7 billion due to a decrease in R&D funding for National defense while funding for other functions remained consistent.

See the full set of data tables at

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Suggested Citation: Pece CV; National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2024. Inflation-Adjusted Federal Budget Authority for R&D Total $151 Billion in FY 2025 Proposed Budget. NSF 25-311. Alexandria, VA: U.S. National Science Foundation. Available at

NSF 25-311


December 5, 2024